I can't understand how some people claim that family is everything, and yet they will push family away and treat certain people in the family like crap. Ah yes, we come back to the in-laws yet again.
My son has a grandparents lunch coming up at school, so I invited my mom and my MIL and FIL. My mom was all for it. She was excited to be able to have lunch with my son at his school. My MIL told me she can't take the day off of work, so neither of them are going.
Ok, I get she has a job and all that. Let me also state that my nephew has been sick, and at my house for the past 2 days. I told my SIL on Tuesday that her son needs to go to the doctor. He was coughing and had a lot of chest congestion. He even sounded horse. She told me it was just him teething and not to worry about it. Yesterday, he was again at my house and he was coughing, very lethargic, and had a lot more congestion in his chest. When she picked him up, I again said she should make an appointment for him and even offered to take him to the doctor myself so she didn't have to take off work. She ended up getting an appointment last night and he has croup. So she texted me and told me that he wasn't coming today, her mom was taking the day off to stay with him.
First of all, why can't she stay home with her son? Her mom always takes off to take care of my nephew when he is sick. It makes no sense to me at all.
Second, why can my MIL take a day off of work to watch my sick nephew, but she can't take the day off to have lunch with my son at school? It's a one time thing. They only do this lunch in Kindergarten, so they won't get the chance to do this next year or any year after that. Not to mention she's been taking so much time off of work that she has been getting in trouble by her boss. She's going to end up losing her job all because she is taking care of her grandson.
My SIL is a prime example of why certain people shouldn't pro-create. She relies on her mom for everything, and my FIL is getting sick of it! She can't do anything on her own. She doesn't even take care of her kid. She seems to have absolutely no maternal instincts what-so-ever! She took money from her parents, who took the money out of their retirement funds, to pay her mortgage for the past year. She also borrowed money from her husband's parents, and his dad has been battling cancer on and off for the past few years and had a couple of surgeries that cost them a lot of money. Both of their parents paid their mortgage for over a year, and then 2 months ago, they decided to let the house foreclose. So both of their parents are out of all that money for nothing and they will never get the money back. My MIL babies my SIL. She walks on eggshells around her and treats her as if she can't do anything. My SIL is living with my MIL and FIL, so they pay for everything for her. My SIL complains that she has no money, yet she does to Dunkin Donuts every day for coffee and they go on date nights every weekend. Again, my MIL won't watch our kids so we can go out, but she will do anything for my nephew.
There was a night we asked her to watch our kids, and she said she couldn't because she was volunteering that night. I later found out that she cancelled her volunteer time to watch my nephew so my SIL could go out. I was so pissed!
I really feel bad for my husband. He's learned a lot about his mom and sister over the past few years and he's really not happy about it. He keeps apologizing to me for his family. It's not his fault. We can't pick our family and unfortunately, they aren't always the people we expect them to be. Lucky for me, they aren't my family and I can disassociate myself from them and stop asking them to be involved!
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