Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Time to Get Back on Track

I realized that I need to get back on track with my life and stop worrying about the people that are trying to bring me down. I was talking to one of the dads at soccer last night. He's divorced, has 2 kids with his ex-wife, and has been going through hell with her. He's trying to be a good dad and live his life, but she's always trying to bring him down and make him look like the bad guy. She drags him to court for every little thing. I feel bad for him!

I can also totally relate to him! Between my ex and my husband's ex, I totally understand where he is coming from. I've been able to distance myself from their negativity. I don't let it consume my life like it once had. Yes, I get upset at times, but I deal with it and let it go. I used to hold on to the anger and dwell on things and all it did was make me really stressed. I learned that I have no control over what they do with our kids or what they say and I need to just live my life, deal with things as they come up and then move on.

For days now I've been dwelling on the stuff that happened with my in-laws. Trying to replay my nephew's party over and over in my head to figure out what I did wrong. Talking to people to try to figure it all out.  I keep coming back to the same place and yet I keep dwelling on it.  I have no control over what they do, what they say or how they decide to handle situations.  The only thing I have control over is myself. I need to just let it go.

I am so much happier when I don't dwell on things. I am more productive, have more fun with my family and I feel better about myself overall. Today, I am making the decision to stop letting them affect my life in a negative way. They are who they are and I am who I am and if we don't get along, it's ok. They don't have to like me and I don't have to like them. I can be civil towards them and treat them decently. I only have to see them on holidays and at birthday parties for my kids...I can handle that! I can already feel the weight lifting off my shoulders. This will be good!

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