Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of School

Well, it's here...the first day of school! The kids got up, got ready, ate breakfast and then waited...and waited...and waited. They got ready so early, they got bored of having to wait! Both were super excited about going to school...my oldest in a new school and my youngest starting Kindergarten! There was no craziness this morning at all! I hope every morning if like this!

Off we went to the bus stop. My oldest gets to take the bus to school. Unfortunately, it was late so I had to drop him off and take the youngest to school. He didn't want me to stand there with him anyway!

Walking down the hall to my son's Kindergarten class...holding his hand just amazed at the fact that he is going to school. I started to get a little choked up, but stopped myself so he didn't get upset. We got to observe his class for a little as they colored a paper and got situated at their desks. He called me over and asked me to stay close to him. He held my hand. He hugged me. He never got upset, he just seemed a bit nervous. Then the teacher said we had to leave. He was good about it. He gave us hugs and he said he'll see us later.

Now I'm home, and I feel so lost. I'm not sure what to do with myself. My step-son is here, but he's in his room, so I am sitting here watching TV, typing this, and trying to figure out what to do next. Have I completely forgotten how to be me? I feel like I should be doing something for the kids. It's going to take some time for me to figure all of this out.

I know eventually I will get used to this, but for now, I'm just going to sit and relax and wait for the time when I get to pick up my little man from Kindergarten on his first day, and then later get my oldest off the bus.

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